My journey in Arcaea

Before I had started playing arcaea, I was pretty into pjsk. However, there was one video that I saw that inveitably changed the course of how I viewed rhythm games, and quite honestly, my life

That video was a Testify Max Pure Memory

When I saw that video, I was really amazed that someone could move their fingers that fast, and thought, "gee, I wish I could do that too"

A lot of other arcaea players have told me that its a really high goal to reach for, but why not shoot for the stars?

How it changed me as a person

I think that one of the major ways that playing arcaea changed my view on things is that it especially changed how I approach competition and struggle in my life.

While success may not come right now, you can reach it. I use "can" and not a less certain word like "might" or "will probably" because I think that the ability to change means that in the end you are still reaching your goal. While of course, some goals can not be ignored or changed, (perhaps you are working for someone and they require you to do something), being able to adjust your goals is important because setting out to do things far in advance without expecting some sort of setback or delay is unreasonable. In my arcaea journey, especially to big milestones like 11 potential, 11.5 potential, 12, etc., being able to accept that I dont know when I will be able to reach my goal was a big key to not getting overwelhmed. For instance, by the end of the summer of 2023 I wanted to be able to reach 12 ptt, but in the end, I didn't. I ended up reaching it a week or two after. However, was reaching 12 ptt a fail? No, I still had reached 12 ptt, I just had to extend my timeline by a bit.